Automatic Documentation for Hardware Design

July 12, 2017 | Sergey Olkhovsky

AutoDoc is now available for free in Geppetto. Generate automatic documentation for hardware design! AutoDoc is a new option in the Geppetto toolbar As the name implies, AutoDoc automatically generates documentation for your Geppetto hardware design.

Customize your case with Protocase

July 5, 2017 | Sergey Olkhovsky

Here at Gumstix, we want to help you to build your product and get it into customer hands fast. That’s one reason why we created and opened Geppetto to the public.

New Geppetto Feature: Interactive Tutorial

June 30, 2017 | Sergey Olkhovsky

At Gumstix, we are continuously adding features to Geppetto that make it easier for you to create a market-ready design. This month, we’ve released a new feature for learning Geppetto, the Interactive Tutorial.